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Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a set of practices and strategies meant to improve online presence and authority

(start of draft)

Online presence depends on multiple, often related factors such as: what content do we publish and its quality, overall meaningfulness; how is that content shaped both literally (grammatically, syntactically, etc.) and technically (the web/app’s structure); how linked it is to and from the external world, other platforms or networks; and how popular it is based on visits, clicks, interactions, or how much time does the user spend in the site.

A Search Engine Results Page (or SERP) can give us a quick and realistic view of how a product performs, e.g.: by searching on Google or Bing.

Results can be mainly categorized by two traits: paid listings (advertizing), and organic results (non-paid items).

Most SERPs show a common result composition: a headline, a description, and a visible URL. The most popular ones can also distinguish news and maps as well as display media such as images or video thumbnails. We can also get enhanced results, which are displayed through a more specific way using carousels, lists, or cards with much more details by taking key information from Structured Data from a given site, such as Open Graph metadata tags. For example, Google Knowledge Graph consumes information from Wikipedia and other relevant sources like review sites to show the most relevant data about a given search result.


To research keywords we can identify at least three categories:

  1. Domain relevance,
  2. Search volume,
  3. Business competitiveness,

Useful tools for researching target keywords:

A few keywords have a huge search volume, while most of them are less popular and are clearly less competitive. however, the less used ones should not be underestimated. A single one may not do much of a difference, but if we smartly combine several of them we could get considerable benefits. Those unpopular terms are known as long tail keywords, as they conform the low but long section of keyword usage graph.

A god idea could be to invest at the start for a short period of time to immediately get more traffic as well as to track and analyze improvements. Then, these insights could be used for the long-term organic traffic grow.

Benefits of a Good SEO


Google Learning Path…

1- Fundamentals:

2- Search Console (optional, tool specific):

3- SEO:

4- SEO for web developers:

More resources…

1- Main business orgs:

2- Tech specific:

3- linking:
