πŸƒ Leaf


Many people believe that when implementing a new system, only the know-how is required. However, if you want to succeed, you must understand the know-why as well. (Shingeo Shingo, A Study of the Toyota Production System, 1981)


  1. All together:
    1. Bun #setup
  2. Bundlers:
    1. 11ty #setup
    2. Vite #setup
    3. Webpack #setup
  3. Frameworks:
    1. Angular #setup
    2. Astro #setup
    3. React:
      1. Create React App (CRA) #setup (depreciated)
      2. Next #setup
      3. React Redux & Redux Toolkit
      4. React Router
    4. SvelteKit #setup
    5. Vue #setup
  4. Langs:
    1. Bash #docs
    2. JavaScript #docs (wip)
      1. Eloquent JavaScript #book (to migrate)
    3. SCSS #docs
  5. Miscellaneous:
    1. Google Search Operators #cheatsheet
  6. Packaging:
    1. Node Package Manager (npm) #setup
  7. Parsers:
    1. SASS #setup
    2. Terser #setup
    3. TypeScript (tsc) #setup
  8. Servers:
    1. Browsersync #setup
    2. Serve #setup
    3. Web Dev Server (wds) #setup
  9. Task Runners:
    1. Gulp #setup (draft)
  10. Testers:
    1. Cypress #setup
    2. Jest #setup
    3. Mocha & Chai #setup
    4. Playwright #setup
    5. Vitest #setup (wip)
  11. Versioning:
    1. Git #cheatsheet
    2. GitHub Pages #setup


  1. Design (draft)
    1. UI
      1. Color (draft)
      2. Data Visualization (wip)
      3. Typography
      4. Visual Elements of User Interface Design (to migrate)
    2. UX
      1. Don’t Make Me Think (Usability) #book (to migrate)
      2. Laws of UX #book (wip)
      1. UX Foundations: Interaction Design (IxD) (to migrate)
  2. Methodologies, Methods & Practices
    1. Agile
      1. Agile Software Development (Manifesto)
      2. Extreme Programming (XP) (reviewing)
        1. Pair Programming
        2. Refactoring
        3. Test-Driven Development (TDD)
        4. Unit Testing
      3. Scrum (reviewing)
    1. Toyota Production System (TPS) (~1943) (wip)
      1. Jidoka γ€Œθ‡ͺεƒεŒ–γ€ (Autonomation) (~1924) (migrating)
      2. Just-In-Time (JIT) (1937) (migrating)
      3. Kaizen γ€Œζ”Ήε–„γ€ (migrating)
      4. Kanban (migrating)
      5. Lean (removing)
  3. Software Engineering
    1. Data Structures (DS)
    2. Frontend
      1. Accessibility (a11y) (draft)
      1. Site Rendering & Generation (draft)
      2. Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
        1. Frame Rendering & Animation Optimization
        2. Critical Rendering Path (CRP) Optimization
    3. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
      1. Design Patterns (GoF)
    4. Sorting Algorithms (SA)
    5. Testing
      1. A/B Testing (wip)
    6. World Wide Web (WWW)
      1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (draft)